Web4Buz.com > Yu Xiang Yuan Restaurant 豫湘园 > Products
Item + Category Code Order Price
Zhajiang Pork, Cucumber on Noodle 炸酱面 Sauce Noodle 炸酱面 25 Zhajiang Pork, Cucumber on Noodle 炸酱面 $14.95/item
Agaric with Cilantro N 木耳拌香菜 Cold Dish 凉菜 67 Agaric with Cilantro N 木耳拌香菜 $11.95/item
Agaric with Cilantro S 木耳拌香菜 Cold Dish 凉菜 67 Agaric with Cilantro S 木耳拌香菜 $9.95/item
BBQ Pork & Vege Soup Noodle 叉烧肉汤面 Soup Noodle 汤面 18 BBQ Pork & Vege Soup Noodle 叉烧肉汤面 $15.95/item
Beef & Tripe with Spicy Sauce N 夫妻肺片 Cold Dish 凉菜 66 Beef & Tripe with Spicy Sauce N 夫妻肺片 $15.95/item
Beef & Tripe with Spicy Sauce S 夫妻肺片 Cold Dish 凉菜 66 Beef & Tripe with Spicy Sauce S 夫妻肺片 $11.95/item
Beef Rolls (4pcs) 牛肉卷饼 Delicious Snack 小吃,甜品 47 Beef Rolls (4pcs) 牛肉卷饼 $12.95/item
Black Pepper Beef Fried Noodle 黑椒牛柳炒面 Fried Noodle 炒面 06 Black Pepper Beef Fried Noodle 黑椒牛柳炒面 $18.95/item
Boiled Beef with Vege 水煮牛 Griddle Cooked & Red Stew 干锅,红焖 110 Boiled Beef with Vege 水煮牛 $24.95/item
Boiled Fish with Pickled Cabbage and Chili 酸菜鱼 Griddle Cooked & Red Stew 干锅,红焖 111 Boiled Fish with Pickled Cabbage and Chili 酸菜鱼 $24.95/item
Boiled Fish with Vege 水煮鱼 Griddle Cooked & Red Stew 干锅,红焖 110 Boiled Fish with Vege 水煮鱼 $24.95/item
Chicken & Vege Soup Noodle 鸡肉汤面 Soup Noodle 汤面 19 Chicken & Vege Soup Noodle 鸡肉汤面 $14.95/item
Chicken with Special hot sauce N 口水鸡 Cold Dish 凉菜 65 Chicken with Special hot sauce N 口水鸡 $15.95/item
Chicken with Special hot sauce S 口水鸡 Cold Dish 凉菜 65 Chicken with Special hot sauce S 口水鸡 $11.95/item
Chili oil with Vege on Noodle 油泼面 Sauce Noodle 炸酱面 28 Chili oil with Vege on Noodle 油泼面 $14.95/item
Cold Noodles with Beef and Cucumber 牛肉凉面 Flavored Cold Noodle 拌凉面 30 Cold Noodles with Beef and Cucumber 牛肉凉面 $15.95/item
Cold Noodles with Cucumber 素凉面 Flavored Cold Noodle 拌凉面 32 Cold Noodles with Cucumber 素凉面 $14.95/item
Cold Sweet Soy Milk 冷豆浆 (cup) Drink 饮料 130 Cold Sweet Soy Milk 冷豆浆 (cup) $3.00/item
Cream Corn, Chicken Soup L 鸡茸粟米汤 Soup 汤类 121 Cream Corn, Chicken Soup L 鸡茸粟米汤 $13.95/item
Cream Corn, Chicken Soup M 鸡茸粟米汤 Soup 汤类 121 Cream Corn, Chicken Soup M 鸡茸粟米汤 $11.95/item
Cucumber with Sesame Sauce N 拌黄瓜 Cold Dish 凉菜 68 Cucumber with Sesame Sauce N 拌黄瓜 $11.95/item
Cucumber with Sesame Sauce S 拌黄瓜 Cold Dish 凉菜 68 Cucumber with Sesame Sauce S 拌黄瓜 $9.95/item
Cumin Fried Noodle 孜然炒面 Fried Noodle 炒面 02 Cumin Fried Noodle 孜然炒面 $17.95/item
Cumin Lamb 孜然羊肉 Meat 小炒 87 Cumin Lamb 孜然羊肉 $24.95/item
Curry Beef & Vege on Rice 咖喱牛肉炒饭 Rice Dish 饭类 39 Curry Beef & Vege on Rice 咖喱牛肉炒饭 $17.95/item
Curry Chicken & Vege on Rice 咖喱鸡肉炒饭 Rice Dish 饭类 38 Curry Chicken & Vege on Rice 咖喱鸡肉炒饭 $17.95/item
Curry Fried Noodle 咖喱炒面 Fried Noodle 炒面 05 Curry Fried Noodle 咖喱炒面 $17.95/item
Curry Lamb & Vege on Rice 咖喱羊肉炒饭 Rice Dish 饭类 40 Curry Lamb & Vege on Rice 咖喱羊肉炒饭 $17.95/item
Curry Shrimp & Vege on Rice 咖喱海鲜炒饭 Rice Dish 饭类 41 Curry Shrimp & Vege on Rice 咖喱海鲜炒饭 $17.95/item
Dan-Dan Noodle 担担面 Sauce Noodle 炸酱面 27 Dan-Dan Noodle 担担面 $14.95/item
Deep Fried Fish with Chili 飘香鱼 Griddle Cooked & Red Stew 干锅,红焖 108 Deep Fried Fish with Chili 飘香鱼 $28.95/item
Deep Fried Shrimp 椒盐虾仁 Meat 小炒 107 Deep Fried Shrimp 椒盐虾仁 $23.95/item
Deep-Fried Chicken Wing 炸鸡翅 (8pcs) Meat 小炒 106 Deep-Fried Chicken Wing 炸鸡翅 (8pcs) $14.95/item
Deep-Fried Chicken with Chili 歌乐山辣子鸡 Meat 小炒 93 Deep-Fried Chicken with Chili 歌乐山辣子鸡 $20.95/item
Deep-Fried Pork Intestine 干煸肥肠 Meat 小炒 103 Deep-Fried Pork Intestine 干煸肥肠 $21.95/item
Deep-Fried Pork Ribs 椒盐排骨 Meat 小炒 101 Deep-Fried Pork Ribs 椒盐排骨 $21.95/item
Deep-Fried Squid 椒盐鱿鱼 Meat 小炒 85 Deep-Fried Squid 椒盐鱿鱼 $21.95/item
Diced Chicken with Red Pepper and Peanuts 宫爆鸡丁 Meat 小炒 92 Diced Chicken with Red Pepper and Peanuts 宫爆鸡丁 $20.95/item
Diced Chicken with Red Peppers and Cashew Nuts 腰果鸡丁 Meat 小炒 91 Diced Chicken with Red Peppers and Cashew Nuts 腰果鸡丁 $21.95/item
Dry-Fried Shredded Cabbage 干锅手撕包菜 Griddle Cooked & Red Stew 干锅,红焖 114 Dry-Fried Shredded Cabbage 干锅手撕包菜 $19.95/item
Egg and Chive Buns (2pcs) 鸡蛋韭菜盒 Delicious Snack 小吃,甜品 53 Egg and Chive Buns (2pcs) 鸡蛋韭菜盒 $8.95/item
Egg, Pork & Fungus Fried Noodle 木须肉炒面 Fried Noodle 炒面 08 Egg, Pork & Fungus Fried Noodle 木须肉炒面 $18.95/item
Egg, Tomato, Green Onion on Noodle 番茄鸡蛋面 Sauce Noodle 炸酱面 26 Egg, Tomato, Green Onion on Noodle 番茄鸡蛋面 $14.95/item
Egg, Vege Soup L 清汤甩穗 Soup 汤类 122 Egg, Vege Soup L 清汤甩穗 $13.95/item
Egg, Vege Soup M 清汤甩穗 Soup 汤类 122 Egg, Vege Soup M 清汤甩穗 $11.95/item
Eggplant in Spicy Garlic Sauce Hot Pot 鱼香茄子煲 Griddle Cooked & Red Stew 干锅,红焖 116 Eggplant in Spicy Garlic Sauce Hot Pot 鱼香茄子煲 $19.95/item
Flavored Beef N 酱牛肉 Cold Dish 凉菜 70 Flavored Beef N 酱牛肉 $15.95/item
Flavored Beef S 酱牛肉 Cold Dish 凉菜 70 Flavored Beef S 酱牛肉 $11.95/item
Flavored Seaweeds N 凉拌海带丝 Cold Dish 凉菜 71 Flavored Seaweeds N 凉拌海带丝 $11.95/item
Flavored Seaweeds S 凉拌海带丝 Cold Dish 凉菜 71 Flavored Seaweeds S 凉拌海带丝 $9.95/item
Fried Beef with Broccoli 西兰花炒牛肉 Meat 小炒 89 Fried Beef with Broccoli 西兰花炒牛肉 $21.95/item
Fried Beef, Vege, Tomato Sauce on Rice 番茄汁牛肉饭 Rice Dish 饭类 43 Fried Beef, Vege, Tomato Sauce on Rice 番茄汁牛肉饭 $17.95/item
Fried Chicken, Vege, Tomato Sauce on Rice 番茄汁鸡肉饭 Rice Dish 饭类 42 Fried Chicken, Vege, Tomato Sauce on Rice 番茄汁鸡肉饭 $17.95/item
Fried Garlic Stem with Preserved Pork Belly 蒜苔炒腊肉 Meat 小炒 99 Fried Garlic Stem with Preserved Pork Belly 蒜苔炒腊肉 $21.95/item
Fried Lamb with Chili 小炒黑山羊 Meat 小炒 88 Fried Lamb with Chili 小炒黑山羊 $24.95/item
Fried Lamb, Vege, Tomato Sauce on Rice 番茄汁羊肉饭 Rice Dish 饭类 44 Fried Lamb, Vege, Tomato Sauce on Rice 番茄汁羊肉饭 $17.95/item
Fried Pork Belly with Green Pepper 农家小炒肉 Meat 小炒 95 Fried Pork Belly with Green Pepper 农家小炒肉 $20.95/item
Fried Pork Kidney with Green Onion 火爆腰花 Meat 小炒 104 Fried Pork Kidney with Green Onion 火爆腰花 $21.95/item
Fried Pork Strips with Sweet Bean Sauce 京酱肉丝 Meat 小炒 98 Fried Pork Strips with Sweet Bean Sauce 京酱肉丝 $19.95/item
Fried Potato, Green Pepper, Eggplant 地三鲜 Vegetable 蔬菜 81 Fried Potato, Green Pepper, Eggplant 地三鲜 $17.95/item
Fried Rice with Beef, Egg & Vege 牛肉炒饭 Rice Dish 饭类 34 Fried Rice with Beef, Egg & Vege 牛肉炒饭 $16.95/item
Fried Rice with Chicken, Egg & Vege 鸡肉炒饭 Rice Dish 饭类 35 Fried Rice with Chicken, Egg & Vege 鸡肉炒饭 $16.95/item
Fried Rice with Egg & Vege 素炒饭 Rice Dish 饭类 36 Fried Rice with Egg & Vege 素炒饭 $15.95/item
Fried Rice with Shrimp, Egg & Vege 虾炒饭 Rice Dish 饭类 37 Fried Rice with Shrimp, Egg & Vege 虾炒饭 $17.95/item
Fried Shrimp, Vege, Tomato Sauce on Rice 番茄汁海鲜饭 Rice Dish 饭类 45 Fried Shrimp, Vege, Tomato Sauce on Rice 番茄汁海鲜饭 $17.95/item
Fried Shrimps with Cashew Nuts 腰果虾仁 Meat 小炒 83 Fried Shrimps with Cashew Nuts 腰果虾仁 $24.95/item
Fried Tofu with Ground Pork 麻婆豆腐 Vegetable 蔬菜 74 Fried Tofu with Ground Pork 麻婆豆腐 $16.95/item
Gai Lan with Garlic 蒜茸芥兰 Vegetable 蔬菜 79 Gai Lan with Garlic 蒜茸芥兰 $18.95/item
Garlic Fried Broccoli 蒜茸西兰花 Vegetable 蔬菜 77 Garlic Fried Broccoli 蒜茸西兰花 $16.95/item
Green Onion Lamb 葱爆羊肉 Meat 小炒 86 Green Onion Lamb 葱爆羊肉 $24.95/item
Green Onion Pancake 葱油饼 Delicious Snack 小吃,甜品 51 Green Onion Pancake 葱油饼 $8.95/item
Griddle Cooked Chicken with Pepper 干锅走地鸡 Griddle Cooked & Red Stew 干锅,红焖 112 Griddle Cooked Chicken with Pepper 干锅走地鸡 $21.95/item
Herbal Tea 凉茶 Drink 饮料 128 Herbal Tea 凉茶 $3.50/item
Hot and Sour Potato 酸辣土豆丝 Vegetable 蔬菜 76 Hot and Sour Potato 酸辣土豆丝 $15.95/item
Hot and Sour Soup L 酸辣汤 Soup 汤类 123 Hot and Sour Soup L 酸辣汤 $13.95/item
Hot and Sour Soup M 酸辣汤 Soup 汤类 123 Hot and Sour Soup M 酸辣汤 $11.95/item
House Special Fried Noodle 招牌炒面 Fried Noodle 炒面 01 House Special Fried Noodle 招牌炒面 $17.95/item
House Special Tofu 家常豆腐 Vegetable 蔬菜 80 House Special Tofu 家常豆腐 $17.95/item
Imported Beer (330ml) Beer 啤酒 132 Imported Beer (330ml) $5.50/item
Kebab 羊肉串 (each) Meat 小炒 105 Kebab 羊肉串 (each) $3.50/item
Ketchup Chicken Fried Noodle 菠萝鸡柳炒面 Fried Noodle 炒面 07 Ketchup Chicken Fried Noodle 菠萝鸡柳炒面 $18.95/item
Lamb & Vege Soup Noodle 羊肉汤面 Soup Noodle 汤面 14 Lamb & Vege Soup Noodle 羊肉汤面 $15.95/item
Lan Zhou Beef & Vege Soup Noodle 兰州牛肉汤面 Soup Noodle 汤面 16 Lan Zhou Beef & Vege Soup Noodle 兰州牛肉汤面 $14.95/item
Local Beer (341ml) Beer 啤酒 131 Local Beer (341ml) $5.50/item
Mango Juice 芒果果汁 (490ml) Drink 饮料 127 Mango Juice 芒果果汁 (490ml) $3.50/item
Noodle in Hot and Sour Soup 酸辣汤面 Sauce Noodle 炸酱面 29 Noodle in Hot and Sour Soup 酸辣汤面 $14.95/item
Osmanthus & Small Rice Ball in Rice Wine L 桂花酒酿圆子 Soup 汤类 124 Osmanthus & Small Rice Ball in Rice Wine L 桂花酒酿圆子 $13.95/item
Osmanthus & Small Rice Ball in Rice Wine M 桂花酒酿圆子 Soup 汤类 124 Osmanthus & Small Rice Ball in Rice Wine M 桂花酒酿圆子 $11.95/item
Pan Fried Dumplings (12pcs) 水煎包 Fried Noodle 炒面 03 Pan Fried Dumplings (12pcs) 水煎包 $21.95/item
Pan-fried Pork dumplings (8pcs) 猪肉锅贴 Wonton & Dumpling 云吞, 饺子 57 Pan-fried Pork dumplings (8pcs) 猪肉锅贴 $13.95/item
Peach Juice 桃子果汁 (490ml) Drink 饮料 127 Peach Juice 桃子果汁 (490ml) $3.50/item
Pickled Beans with Minced Pork 酸豆角炒肉末 Meat 小炒 100 Pickled Beans with Minced Pork 酸豆角炒肉末 $20.95/item
Pork & Pickled Cabbage Fried Noodle 雪菜肉丝炒面 Fried Noodle 炒面 09 Pork & Pickled Cabbage Fried Noodle 雪菜肉丝炒面 $17.95/item
Pork & Pickled Cabbage Fried Sticky Rice 雪菜肉丝炒年糕 Fried Noodle 炒面 12 Pork & Pickled Cabbage Fried Sticky Rice 雪菜肉丝炒年糕 $18.95/item
Pork & Pickled Cabbage Soup Noodle 雪菜肉丝汤面 Soup Noodle 汤面 24* Pork & Pickled Cabbage Soup Noodle 雪菜肉丝汤面 $14.95/item
Pork & Vege Soup Noodle 猪肉汤面 Soup Noodle 汤面 17 Pork & Vege Soup Noodle 猪肉汤面 $14.95/item
Pork Fried Dragging Noodle 上海粗炒面 Fried Noodle 炒面 11 Pork Fried Dragging Noodle 上海粗炒面 $17.95/item
Pork Intestine in Hot Pot 干锅肥肠 Griddle Cooked & Red Stew 干锅,红焖 118 Pork Intestine in Hot Pot 干锅肥肠 $21.95/item
Pork with Pickled Cabbage Pot 酸菜白肉锅 Griddle Cooked & Red Stew 干锅,红焖 113 Pork with Pickled Cabbage Pot 酸菜白肉锅 $32.95/item
Pumpkin Cake (6pcs) 南瓜饼 Delicious Snack 小吃,甜品 52 Pumpkin Cake (6pcs) 南瓜饼 $10.95/item
Red Bean Pancake 豆沙饼 Delicious Snack 小吃,甜品 48 Red Bean Pancake 豆沙饼 $8.95/item
Rice Pudding 八宝饭 Delicious Snack 小吃,甜品 46 Rice Pudding 八宝饭 $10.95/item
Sauteed Celery with Dried Tofu Slices 芹菜香干 Vegetable 蔬菜 82 Sauteed Celery with Dried Tofu Slices 芹菜香干 $18.95/item
Seafood and Tofu Soup L 蟹柳豆腐羹 Soup 汤类 119 Seafood and Tofu Soup L 蟹柳豆腐羹 $13.95/item
Seafood and Tofu Soup M 蟹柳豆腐羹 Soup 汤类 119 Seafood and Tofu Soup M 蟹柳豆腐羹 $11.95/item
Shredded Pork with Red Peppers 鱼香肉丝 Meat 小炒 97 Shredded Pork with Red Peppers 鱼香肉丝 $19.95/item
Shrimp & Vege Soup Noodle 海鲜汤面 Soup Noodle 汤面 13 Shrimp & Vege Soup Noodle 海鲜汤面 $15.95/item
Sliced pork belly with salted vege 梅菜扣肉 Griddle Cooked & Red Stew 干锅,红焖 115 Sliced pork belly with salted vege 梅菜扣肉 $21.95/item
Sliced Rolls (Fried or Steamed) 金丝卷 Delicious Snack 小吃,甜品 50 Sliced Rolls (Fried or Steamed) 金丝卷 $7.95/item
Soft Drink 汽水 (355ml) Drink 饮料 129 Soft Drink 汽水 (355ml) $2.50/item
Sour Bean, Ground Pork Fried Rice 酸豆角肉末炒饭 Rice Dish 饭类 45* Sour Bean, Ground Pork Fried Rice 酸豆角肉末炒饭 $18.95/item
Special Lamb in Hot Pot 红焖羊肉 Griddle Cooked & Red Stew 干锅,红焖 109 Special Lamb in Hot Pot 红焖羊肉 $40.95/item
Spicy Chinese Cabbage Salad N 拌老虎菜 Cold Dish 凉菜 73 Spicy Chinese Cabbage Salad N 拌老虎菜 $11.95/item
Spicy Chinese Cabbage Salad S 拌老虎菜 Cold Dish 凉菜 73 Spicy Chinese Cabbage Salad S 拌老虎菜 $9.95/item
Spicy Cold Noodles with Beef and Cucumber 麻辣牛肉凉面 Flavored Cold Noodle 拌凉面 31 Spicy Cold Noodles with Beef and Cucumber 麻辣牛肉凉面 $15.95/item
Spicy Fried Green Beans 干煸四季豆 Vegetable 蔬菜 78 Spicy Fried Green Beans 干煸四季豆 $18.95/item
Spicy Pork Belly Soup Noodle 小炒肉汤面 Soup Noodle 汤面 24* Spicy Pork Belly Soup Noodle 小炒肉汤面 $15.95/item
Spicy Pork Intestine & Chicken in Hot Pot 干锅肥肠鸡 Griddle Cooked & Red Stew 干锅,红焖 117 Spicy Pork Intestine & Chicken in Hot Pot 干锅肥肠鸡 $26.95/item
Spicy Pork Intestine Soup Noodle 肥肠汤面 Soup Noodle 汤面 21 Spicy Pork Intestine Soup Noodle 肥肠汤面 $15.95/item
Spring Rolls (4pcs) 春卷 Delicious Snack 小吃,甜品 49 Spring Rolls (4pcs) 春卷 $6.95/item
Starch Noodle Chicken & Sesame Sauce N 鸡丝粉皮 Cold Dish 凉菜 69 Starch Noodle Chicken & Sesame Sauce N 鸡丝粉皮 $14.95/item
Starch Noodle Chicken & Sesame Sauce S 鸡丝粉皮 Cold Dish 凉菜 69 Starch Noodle Chicken & Sesame Sauce S 鸡丝粉皮 $11.95/item
Steamed Baby Bok Choy with Garlic 蒜茸菜心 Vegetable 蔬菜 75 Steamed Baby Bok Choy with Garlic 蒜茸菜心 $16.95/item
Steamed Lamb & Vege Dumplings (12pcs) 羊肉水饺 Wonton & Dumpling 云吞, 饺子 62 Steamed Lamb & Vege Dumplings (12pcs) 羊肉水饺 $15.95/item
Steamed Lamb & Vege Dumplings (18pcs) 羊肉水饺 Wonton & Dumpling 云吞, 饺子 62 Steamed Lamb & Vege Dumplings (18pcs) 羊肉水饺 $19.95/item
Steamed Pork & Bok Choy Dumplings (12pcs) 猪肉白菜水饺 Wonton & Dumpling 云吞, 饺子 59 Steamed Pork & Bok Choy Dumplings (12pcs) 猪肉白菜水饺 $13.95/item
Steamed Pork & Bok Choy Dumplings (18pcs) 猪肉白菜水饺 Wonton & Dumpling 云吞, 饺子 59 Steamed Pork & Bok Choy Dumplings (18pcs) 猪肉白菜水饺 $17.95/item
Steamed Pork & Chives Dumplings (12pcs) 猪肉韭菜水饺 Wonton & Dumpling 云吞, 饺子 60 Steamed Pork & Chives Dumplings (12pcs) 猪肉韭菜水饺 $13.95/item
Steamed Pork & Chives Dumplings (18pcs) 猪肉韭菜水饺 Wonton & Dumpling 云吞, 饺子 60 Steamed Pork & Chives Dumplings (18pcs) 猪肉韭菜水饺 $17.95/item
Steamed Pork Buns (6pcs) 小笼包 Fried Noodle 炒面 04 Steamed Pork Buns (6pcs) 小笼包 $10.95/item
Steamed Rice L 白饭 Rice Dish 饭类 33 Steamed Rice L 白饭 $7.00/item
Steamed Rice S 白饭 Rice Dish 饭类 33 Steamed Rice S 白饭 $2.50/item
Stewed Beef & Vege Soup Noodle 牛肉烩面 Soup Noodle 汤面 23 Stewed Beef & Vege Soup Noodle 牛肉烩面 $15.95/item
Stewed Lamb & Vege Soup Noodle 羊肉烩面 Soup Noodle 汤面 24 Stewed Lamb & Vege Soup Noodle 羊肉烩面 $15.95/item
Stir-Fried Fresh Shrimps 清炒虾仁 Meat 小炒 84 Stir-Fried Fresh Shrimps 清炒虾仁 $22.95/item
Sweet & Sour Chicken with Pineapple and Green Pepper 咕噜鸡 Meat 小炒 94 Sweet & Sour Chicken with Pineapple and Green Pepper 咕噜鸡 $20.95/item
Sweet & Sour Fish with Pineapple and Green Pepper 咕噜鱼 Meat 小炒 94 Sweet & Sour Fish with Pineapple and Green Pepper 咕噜鱼 $20.95/item
Sweet & Sour Pork with Pineapple and Green Pepper 咕噜肉 Meat 小炒 94 Sweet & Sour Pork with Pineapple and Green Pepper 咕噜肉 $20.95/item
Sweet and Sour Spare Ribs 糖醋排骨 Meat 小炒 102 Sweet and Sour Spare Ribs 糖醋排骨 $21.95/item
Sweet Corn Soup L 粟米汤 Soup 汤类 120 Sweet Corn Soup L 粟米汤 $13.95/item
Sweet Corn Soup M 粟米汤 Soup 汤类 120 Sweet Corn Soup M 粟米汤 $11.95/item
Sweet Pancake 手抓饼 Delicious Snack 小吃,甜品 54 Sweet Pancake 手抓饼 $10.95/item
Szechuan Fried Beef 干煸牛肉丝 Meat 小炒 90 Szechuan Fried Beef 干煸牛肉丝 $21.95/item
Tofu & Vege Soup Noodle 豆腐时菜汤面 Soup Noodle 汤面 20 Tofu & Vege Soup Noodle 豆腐时菜汤面 $14.95/item
Tripe & Vege Soup Noodle 牛肚汤面 Soup Noodle 汤面 15 Tripe & Vege Soup Noodle 牛肚汤面 $15.95/item
Twice-Cooked Pork with Hot Sauce 回锅肉 Meat 小炒 96 Twice-Cooked Pork with Hot Sauce 回锅肉 $20.95/item
Vege Dumplings (12pcs) 素水饺 Wonton & Dumpling 云吞, 饺子 61 Vege Dumplings (12pcs) 素水饺 $13.95/item
Vege Dumplings (18pcs) 素水饺 Wonton & Dumpling 云吞, 饺子 61 Vege Dumplings (18pcs) 素水饺 $17.95/item
Warm Sweet Soy Milk 热豆浆 (cup) Drink 饮料 130 Warm Sweet Soy Milk 热豆浆 (cup) $3.00/item
White Lamb Stew 羊肉泡馍 Soup Noodle 汤面 22 White Lamb Stew 羊肉泡馍 $15.95/item
Wined Chicken N 醉鸡 Cold Dish 凉菜 72 Wined Chicken N 醉鸡 $15.95/item
Wined Chicken S 醉鸡 Cold Dish 凉菜 72 Wined Chicken S 醉鸡 $11.95/item
Wonton in Chili Sauce (12pcs) 红油抄手 Wonton & Dumpling 云吞, 饺子 64 Wonton in Chili Sauce (12pcs) 红油抄手 $13.95/item
Wonton Soup (12 pcs) 云吞汤 Wonton & Dumpling 云吞, 饺子 55 Wonton Soup (12 pcs) 云吞汤 $13.95/item
Wonton with Noodle in Soup (6pcs) 云吞汤面 Wonton & Dumpling 云吞, 饺子 56 Wonton with Noodle in Soup (6pcs) 云吞汤面 $13.95/item
Xin-Jiang Chicken Noodle 新疆大盘鸡面 Fried Noodle 炒面 10 Xin-Jiang Chicken Noodle 新疆大盘鸡面 $23.95/item